Infringement Search is used to determine and measure the scope of infringement that is essential for future litigations, royalty earning purposes and licensing opportunities. We conduct infringement searches in various technology domains including electronics and communication, computer science, information technology, automobiles and mechanical technologies, chemical technologies, biotechnology, bio-medical equipments, and life sciences.
Our Best Practices
- We understand the expensive attorney time and huge money involved in complex litigations and therefore offer strategic solutions for identifying technology standards or potential products that may be infringing your patent.
- We mine for technical literature to identify products, systems, or services using similar invention as claimed in the subject patent.
- We provide EOU charts and claim charts through extensive market analysis of identified products.
- We perform infringement searches on different standards including IEEE 802, 3GPP, LTE, etc.
Evidence of Use (EoU) Chart
Evidence of Use (EoU) Chart helps you:
- Recognizing potential infringement of your existing patents. If you are selling patent assets, proof of patent infringement can assist strengthen the terms of the sale.
- Evaluating potential patent infringement.
- Detailed EoU charts help in licensing negotiations, pre-litigation research, and patent transaction opportunities.
Our Best Practices
- Analyze and create an exhaustive list of potential infringers
- We help you to map key features of the claim(s) to the product specifications and create evidences that potentially prove infringement.
- Our team uses reverse engineering or teardown reports for preparing charts.
- We perform Patent-to-Product mapping and Patent-to-Standard mapping
Patent Portfolio Analysis
Patent Portfolio Analysis helps to create profitable IP strategies. We provide an in-depth qualitative analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, and relative values of the individual patents in a patent portfolio, using a scoring system that takes into account a variety of factors such as such as number of alive members in patent family, number of office action responses, screening of patent claims, specifications etc. We perform patent ranking and categorization. We provide a client with regular analyses of their patent portfolio to identify their main fields of technical activity.