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Patentability Search

Patentability Search

Huge investments go into a development of new ideas and products. Therefore, when a company spends large amount of time and money in research and development activities, it becomes essential to analyze the novelty and scope of inventions, prior to filing a patent.

A Novelty Search or Patentability Search is conducted in the early stages of Research & Development. The search is conducted when an inventor is interested in applying for a patent, and wants to determine whether a similar or identical invention already exists. The main aspects that are targeted in a patent search are to provide opinions on Novelty/Uniqueness, Inventive Step and Industrial Applicability of the invention.

Before providing the client our expert opinion, we follow various steps, while performing patentability search such as:

  • Define the invention: Clearly articulate the technical features, functionalities, and advantages of your invention.
  • Identify Patent & Non-patent literature prior arts
  • Analyze and evaluate: Thoroughly review the search results and analyze the identified prior arts in relation to your invention. Assess whether the prior arts disclose all the essential elements of your invention or renders it obvious.

Our Best Practices

  • Our patentability search report helps you to ascertain the novel aspect of the invention. We conduct exhaustive prior art searches in patent databases and provide detailed patentability analysis. We also identify features of the invention that are unique and novel.
  • The search strategy includes various strategies such as keyword based searching, classification based searching (such as CPC, IPC, USC, FI, F-term), Assignee based searching, inventor based searching, and citation based searching.
  • We have access to industry’s leading patent and non-patent databases. The patent databases include Thomson Innovation, Orbit (from QuestelTM), Google Patents, Espacenet, or USPTO. The other national and non-patent databases such as, Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, CiteSeer, ACM Library, Wiley’s Library, etc.